
February 28, 2019


In For Our Wellness 1 min read President’s blog: Diversity Diversity is our future – we must be clear on this. Understanding and embracing it make us richer as individuals and as a nation. Dr. Michele Nealonon February 28, 2019 […]
April 20, 2021

How to Help Your Friend Conquer the Winter Blues

“Schedule predictable and regular times to call or Zoom your loved ones. Try to make the remote visits long in duration, not just a five minute check-in, and certainly more than a quick ‘hello,’” said Michele Nealon, Psy.D. and president […]
April 20, 2021

Preparing Your Child for Back to In-Person Learning with Licensed Clinical Psychologist Dr. Michele Nealon

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April 20, 2021

Is Someone Behaving Badly on Your Tour? Here’s What You Should — and Shouldn’t — Do

Is traveling, which has its own complications, asking for more psychological trouble? Not necessarily if you’re willing to prepare for what Michele Nealon calls “travel hiccups.” “Traveling is simultaneously a stressful situation and a very happy situation,” said Nealon, a […]